Thursday, January 22, 2009


i still remember that moment,
the day when my dreams disappeared,
when you said you're engaged,
when you said you need to take care of her heart,
i know i should congratulate you with a smile,
i know i should be happy for you,
but why my tears keep falling down...?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Yahudi Tak Faham Bahasa Perdamaian

I couldn't remember where do i get this article. But, i just wanted to share it with all. Hope the original writer won't sue me~

Yahudi tidak faham bahasa perdamaian

Sejak 1948, rakyat Palestin terus menjadi mangsa kekejaman zionis yang memasuki negara itu secara haram. Puluhan ribu termasuk kanak-kanak dan wanita yang terkorban akibat keganasan rejim zionis.

Terbaru, zionis terbabit menyerang pula Lebanon, sebuah lagi negara Islam atas alasan menentang kumpulan pejuang Hizbullah yang dicap pengganas oleh mereka.

Wartawan, MOHD. RADZI MOHD. ZIN dan jurufoto, ZAKARIA IDRIS menemubual Timbalan Dekan Fakulti Sains Sosial Universiti Malaya, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Redzuan Othman bagi menjelaskan isu ini.

Boleh Prof. jelaskan kewujudan negara Yahudi ini?

Prof. Redzuan: Negara ini wujud pada 1948 dengan mengambil atau menduduki secara haram tanah rakyat Palestin yang tinggal di situ sejak beribu-ribu tahun lamanya. Oleh sebab ia diduduki secara haram sepatutnya apa juga tindakan Yahudi ini adalah haram. Namun, pada hari ini keadaan sebaliknya berlaku. Rakyat Palestin yang dilihat sebagai pendatang dan Yahudi sebagai pemilik.

Apakah sebenarnya yang mencetus idea penubuhan negara Yahudi ini?

Cadangan penubuhan negara Yahudi ini dibuat oleh seorang wartawan, Theodore Herzl dalam gagasannya yang kemudian dijadikan buku iaitu Der Judnstant.

Ia bermula pada 1897 apabila diadakan Persidangan Pertubuhan Zionis Sedunia (WZO) di Basle, Switzerland. Isu besar yang dibangkitkan ialah mewujudkan Yahudi merdeka walaupun mereka tahu kaum itu tidak layak mempunyai negara selepas pelbagai kemusnahan dan penipuan yang dilakukan termasuk pada zaman para Nabi.

Ini dijelaskan menerusi firman Allah S.W.T, Orang-orang Yahudi dan Nasrani tidak sekali-kali akan bersetuju atau suka kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) sehingga engkau menurut agama mereka yang terpesong itu. (al- Baqarah; 120).

Namun, ingin saya jelaskan yang kita tentang ialah yang berfahaman zionis bukan Yahudi secara keseluruhan. Ini kerana ada Yahudi dari golongan Raban yang turut menentang kezaliman zionis ini.

Ini turut dijelaskan melalui firman Allah, Dan jangan sekali-kali kebencian kamu terhadap sesuatu kaum itu mendorong kamu kepada tidak melakukan keadilan. (al-Maidah; 8)

Salah seorang Yahudi yang menentang dasar kezaliman zionis terhadap orang Palestin ialah Norm Chomsky.

Apakah yang mempercepatkan pendudukan haram Yahudi di bumi Palestin?

Dalam tahun 1917, Setiausaha Luar Kementerian Luar Britain, Lord Arthur Balfore berjanji kepada ketua masyarakat Yahudi Lord Rothchild untuk menubuhkan negara Yahudi di Palestin.

Semasa perang dunia pertama (PD1), negara Barat merasa terhina akibat peristiwa pembunuhan beramai-ramai orang Yahudi yang juga disebut sebagai holocaust. Akibat rasa bersalah, mereka menyokong orang Yahudi memiliki negara iaitu di Palestin.

Ini diburukkan lagi dengan kekalahan kerajaan Uthmaniah dalam PD1 yang meletakkan mandat Palestin di bawah Britain. Ketika inilah berlakunya kemasukan beramai-ramai Yahudi ke Palestin.

Selanjutnya, perang dunia kedua mempercepatkan lagi kemasukan secara haram golongan Yahudi ke bumi Palestin.

Palestin dilihat bukan sahaja dilupakan oleh Persatuan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) tetapi juga Liga Arab. Apa puncanya?

Memang benar. Rakyat Palestin adalah antara bangsa yang paling malang di dunia kerana dilupakan oleh PBB, negara Arab dan juga umat Islam sendiri.

Nasib mereka hanya dilihat terbela sekitar tahun 60-an dan 70-an apabila wujud inisiatif menubuhkan Palestin merdeka.

Antara usaha yang berkesan ialah penubuhan Pertubuhan Pembebasan Palestin (PTO) yang dipimpin oleh Allahyarham Yasser Arafat.

Pada tahun-tahun itu, isu Palestin dilihat sebahagian isu orang Arab tetapi selepas tahun 90-an, ia tidak lagi dianggap begitu.

Inilah yang menimbulkan kekecewaan kepada rakyat Palestin hinggakan mereka seolah-olah berputus asa mendapatkan bantuan negara Arab atau umat Islam yang lain.

Namun, tidak dinafikan rakyat negara Arab masih mempunyai simpati yang tinggi kepada saudara mereka di Palestin.

Resolusi 272 yang diluluskan oleh Pertubuhan Bangsa-bangsa Bersatu (PBB) untuk mewujudkan dua negara iaitu Palestin dan Israel dengan nisbah 51:49 juga tidak pernah dilaksana.

Sebaliknya, Yahudi terus memperluas dan mengambil tanah orang Palestin dengan sewenang-wenangnya.

Adakah krisis sesama negara Arab turut menyulitkan lagi penyelesaian isu Palestin?

Pendapat ini ada benarnya. Krisis serantau tidak mebantu Palestin malah memburukkan lagi keadaan. Contohnya perang Iran dan Iraq. Sebenarnya, kalau tidak berperang sesama sendiri itu pun sudah banyak membantu Palestin.

Keadaan semakin rumit apabila Iraq menyerang Kuwait pada 1991. Tindakan Presiden Saddam Hussein ini menyebabkan perjanjian pelan damai Palestin terbantut.

Kesan lebih teruk ialah selepas kejatuhan Saddam Hussein apabila Kuwait mengusir rakyat Palestin yang selama ini bekerja dan berniaga di negara itu. Ini kerana mereka dianggap mengkhianati Kuwait berikutan sokongan Allahyarham Arafat kepada Saddam.

Keadaan ini sekaligus menjejaskan intifada pertama. Malah, hartawan Palestin di Kuwait kini hanya menjadi pemandu teksi di Yamman, Jordan.

Peristiwa ini meletakkan Saddam sebaris dengan beberapa pemimpin Arab seperti Raja Hussein dan Anwar Sadat yang pro Barat.

Inilah yang mendorong kepada intifada pada 1987. Namun, rakyat Palestin hanya bersenjatakan batu sebagai simbolik dalam menentang tentera Yahudi, pasukan terkuat di dunia.

Sejauh mana kebenaran dakwaan rakyat Palestinlah yang memulakan aktiviti serangan bom berani mati?
Sebenarnya pendekatan bom berani mati ini hanya bermula selepas ekstremis Yahudi, Barush Goldstein membunuh umat Islam yang sedang solat subuh di Masjid Ibrahim, Palestin. Inilah yang pencetus gerakan lebih radikal dalam kalangan rakyatnya yang telah sekian lama ditindas.

Selepas peristiwa inilah, bom berani mati menjadi senjata memerangi Yahudi yang menyaksikan darah Yahudi mengalir di beberapa bandar seperti Baitulmaqdis, Haifa, Askalon dan Sederot.

Intifada kedua pada tahun 2000 pula berlaku ekoran lawatan Ariel Sharon ke Haram Al-Sharif di Palestin.

Apakah yang terjadi pada pelan damai Israel-Palestin di bawah Perjanjian Madrid?
Selepas perang Iraq, Amerika Syarikat (AS) di bawah Presiden George Bush pernah berusaha mewujudkan Palestin merdeka seperti yang dijanjinya di bawah Perjanjian Madrid.

Namun, ia gagal mencapai persetujuan oleh kedua-dua negara. Namun pada 1993, Sweeden secara senyap-senyap membawa Palestin dan Yahudi merangka pelan damai di bawah Perjanjian Oslo.

Ia bagaimanapun tidak dapat diimplementasikan sepenuhnya ekoran pembunuhan Perdana Menteri Israel, Yitzhak Rabin pada 1995 oleh ekstremis Yahudi iaitu Yigal Amir. Kejadian ini memperlahankan pelan damai tersebut.

Mengapa negara-negara Arab tidak mahu menyebelahi Palestin dalam perjuangan ini?

Pemimpin Arab pada era 80-an amat takut kepada AS. Ini ditambah dengan krisis serantau antara Iran dan Iraq yang dianggap boleh mengancam negara sekitarnya jika berterusan.

Hal ini menyebabkan pemimpin Arab seperti Hosni Mubarak mencari kuasa pelindung daripada diserang. Mereka melihat AS itu sebagai kuasa itu dan penyelamat. Lagipun, Arab ini budayanya tidak boleh bersatu disebabkan kepentingan yang berbeza. Sebab itu, negara-negara Arab masih berpegang kepada sistem feudal iaitu monarki dan menolak sistem demokrasi.

Ada yang berpendapat, Presiden Palestin Mahmoud Abas tidak seberani Arafat?

Mahmoud Abas mempunyai sikap dan pendirian yang berbeza berbanding Arafat seorang revolusioner.

Mahmoud Abas lebih percaya kepada proses rundingan dan jalan damai untuk mencapai keamanan di Palestin. Namun, ternyata dalam tempoh 50 tahun, jalan perdamaian makin jauh.

Yahudi ini tidak faham bahasa perdamaian. Mereka hanya faham melalui bahasa kekerasan dan itulah caranya untuk berhadapan dengan golongan ini.

Apakah usaha yang boleh dilakukan oleh umat Islam dalam membantu masyarakat Palestin?

Negara-negara Islam perlu ikhlas membantu terutama dari segi kemanusiaan. Banyak nyawa mereka yang tidak berdosa terkorban dalam krisis yang berlarutan sekian lama. Di Malaysia, selain bantuan kemanusiaan, usaha memberi penerangan perlu ditingkatkan. Ia penting kerana bukan semua orang mengetahui dan memahami isu utama yang menimpa Palestin.

Ini menyebabkan kadangkala ada nada yang seiringan dengan laporan media barat menyalahkan penduduk Palestin. Sedangkan fakta sebenarnya, rakyat Palestin ini tidak bersalah dan merekalah yang menjadi mangsa.

Semua usaha ini penting lebih-lebih lagi apabila kuasa besar terutama AS tidak mengiktiraf kerajaan Palestin di bawah pimpinan Perdana Menteri dari Parti Hanas, Ismail Haniyeh.

Comrades 0004

This one is taken from cmrd0004 group page kot..written by Ajie.. I truly like her words~

Friends forever, we once said. Promises we once held to our hearts, convinced of the strength of our friendship. Friendships taken for granted because of the close proximity we once shared. Then we moved apart, and our lives became filled with the hustle and bustle of work and university and social activities, and the phone calls and e-mails became less frequent, and days turned into weeks, and weeks into months before we cross each other’s minds again, and we realise how far apart we’ve grown. The physical distance becoming a distance of hearts. And despite wanting to make that extra effort to say hello, wanting to know how each other has been, uncertainty becomes a barrier, and the flames of friendship become dying embers of a time that once was. This is a tribute to those friends. To the time we first met, when a pair of scared, lonely eyes search for comfort in the eyes of another. Those moments when i cried, and you were always there. We had such fun. Before our schedules became busy. To those times we would bitch about our seniors, and the urgency we felt to stand for our own rights. Those days when you would make me laugh until my side would hurt. To those wonderful days spent together. Before distance made a difference. To the year 2002 which would never be forgotten. The stay ups and the days when tears flew from sincerity of hearts. How we would shout Happy Friendship Day at the hall, our smiles were bright, and our eyes reflect the deep bonding we've made through all these years. Before life takes its toll on us. How we used to spend sleepless nights doing the sand art. How tears stung in each other's eyes as hurt creeps into our hearts. The quarreling and the fights, the hurt we all felt for a friendship that was getting fragile by the second. but our friendship survived it all.before we start taking different paths. And although some things may never be the same, we tried to make the best out of our final year. the fear we all felt for the expectations, the fun we all had watching AF at the hall, or just going jogging together, or just those times you would knock on my door and i would let you in, and we would sit and eat and talk. Before we grew up and got different sets of friends. To those loud laughters i miss so dearly. those times when i felt safe, just knowing that i have you. There were mistakes i wish i could undo, there were days i wish i had spend more times with you, and yet i am thankful enough to have the chance to know you. At times I sit and wonder wistfully what you guys are doing, and how you are coping leaving behind the years we did. and i know, in each and everyone of us, there's a soft spot longing for the old days in school. Here’s to those memories I cherish, and carry in my heart, for the smiles I spent and the laughter we shared. Some friends I have grown apart from, and some I have grown closer to, but I miss each and every one. Friends forever, we once said. And in my heart, we are. Love, ajjie.

Sept 16,2007


Open your eyes see the world you’re living in. Everything is suffocating. A life that is totally complementary with a real deep hypocrisy. Ms Goodie-goodie, Ms Hanky-panky, Mr. Macho and Mr. Nerdy. Those are familiar terms we used to describe others. We kept labeling people we don’t even know a thing about. We hate others without considering every inch of sides they had. We blamed people only by looking at their appearances. And I am neither whining nor ranting, I just completely breathless. These selfish and pathetic attitudes annoyed me completely. I hate being surrounded by atmosphere filled with hatred, hypocrites and virtual insanity. It’s hardly to feel the real meaning of living. Why must we express our negative way of thinking? We kept provoking our principles but why can’t we respect others’? Why can’t we filled our heart with mutual respect, an open mind, non-judgmental attitude, sincerity, humility and a desire of being nice to each other? We should understand that two identical things will never be the same. We have our own way of traveling and surviving in this world. Don’t expect everyone to be the same as you. They are definitely not you. Open your eyes see the world we’re living in. Completely helpless!

July 29, 2008

I once heard someone said that

“The hardest part is to give your heart away”

Now come to think of it..

I think that’s absolutely right…

I don’t know what it’s wrong with my heart, my feelings..

I kept asking myself whether I am the one to be blamed for the failure of the past relationships…

I don’t know what else o do to make everything go right…

I am still searching..

For the right person, at the right time and in the right moment…

I am still waiting for my Mr. Right..

Good Luck to me~

July 29, 2008

If I am happy and laughing,

Will u wish to stop the time?

If I cry from missing u,

Will u feel it from the wind?

If I am down and stress,

Will u miss my smile?

If my heart broke into thousand pieces,

Will u be the one who patch it back?

If the whole world is blaming me,

Will u still be there and trust me?

If I fall into the deepest ocean,

Will u jump in to save me?

If I am lost in the middle of nowhere,

Will u be the guidance to show me the way?

If I am alone in the dark,

Will u be the light to shine my way?

If I went missing one day,

Will u go and find me everywhere?

If I am tired and stop walking,

Will u be waiting and didn’t left me behind?

If I am sick,

Will u be the one to cure me?

If I said I can’t stand the pain,

Will u stop them from hurting me?

If I don’t want to wake up from my sleep,

Will u call me to come back?

If I die before u,

Will u wish we could meet again soon?

If I say this is the end,

Will u convince me that the new life has begun?

Will u do anything just for me?

Will u?

Because I will do anything for u,

Without even thinking twice.

October 22,2008

I’m staring at you

But you’re thinking about someone else

I love you

But you’re in love with someone else

Is the cupid should be blamed?

Or destiny doesn’t want you to be mine?

But why am I feeling heavy inside?

As if my heart is cracking tears…

November 7,2008

I lost my heart

ever since I met you

you have my heart

maybe you took it

maybe you stole it

maybe I gave it to you

but you have it

and I cant live anymore

with my heart is yours

I’m dying inside

Thinking that you’re going away

Away from me

Away with my heart

Without you even know you have it

October 31,2008

I may be in love with him

I may be not

Soon after I realized he could hurt me deeply

I started backing off

Out from the love that might reached my heart

Afraid that he could hurt me even more if I love him later

But knowing that he might have the chance to hurt me

I started to wonder

Am I already in love with him?

July 29,2008

Don’t be, Let me

Why’d you fleet your smile when I can see the gloomy upon?

Why’d you break your laugh when I can see the tears you shed?

Why’d you dance along when I can see your legs aren’t strong?

Why’d you sing the song when I can hear your voice shaken?

You claim you’re tough but the wall inside you is cracking

You said you’re fine but you can’t even stand tall

You showed me you’re happy but everything around you dissolves

You promised to tell me but not a single word ever came out

Don’t try to hold your cries since my tears will start falling

Don’t try to be strong since I am here as you strength

Don’t try to go alone since I can’t stop from chasing

Don’t try to feel the pain since I will take it all with me

Cry your heart out so I can come to you

Punch me hard so I can feel your pain too

Fall in front of me so I can catch you

Curse me loud so I can hear you

I’ll be your boat when you’re sinking

I’ll be your light when you in the dark

I’ll be your soul when you feel alone

I’ll be the one that forever there for you

April 9,2008

Do I even love you?

Or it just that I have no clue?

If I do, please don’t let me know,

Cos right now I am letting you go,

I won’t ever looked back,

On the memories that you already packed,

I don’t care about my heart,

You’re just one of them I looked at,

I believed this is where I stand,

And I supposed this thing to ends,

So I don’t bother what or why,

Let us both say goodbye,

To all the good things that had happened,

And every great thing that even might happen.

January 23,2008

im thinking back ahead time,
and i wonder why is here i stand,
without a soul without a role
im looking for nothing i goal

stop running and start facing
without a thought i burst out crying
why is life been so damn irritating
is it me who asked for a living?

friends or foes i hate them both
friends for leaving, foes for coming
help me out to find the truth
i've been lost long before i knew

angel of sadness angel of happiness
why are you here why are you gone?
i kept asking what i did that was wrong
is it true i have no place i belong?

night is here stars are gone
why the darkness kept chasing me on
i keep on holding and i started falling
is there any hopes for me in surviving?

i need to live i want to laugh
but this world has been really tough
deep inside sometimes im asking god
when will the day comes for me to be gone..

August 17,2007

Taken from Salad Days, edited & posted~

I wont ask for anything more,

I just want to stay like this forever,

What did I mean by no romance?

My heart just dancing by seeing you on an off-day,

These kind of things just become revealed to you,

Whether you like it or not,

I feel like I want to be near u,

No matter what relationship we have,

I cant forget the day,

When such warm snow has fallen

Within this white scenery,

If I’m with you,

A moment of being a cadet will become

My most precious treasure

Lovers at the train station that pair up

I’ve always been curious just how did they come to be?

And when will this kind of love, strike me as well

And will I ever be an influence in someone else’s life?

February 27, 2008


The tears in my heart..

No one even noticed..

i can hear the cracking of my heart

the sound piercing my ears

too deep

why am I here today?
I don’t know where to find the answer

im just a body without its soul

Im breathing without living

Im smiling with no happiness

Sometimes I asked myself..

How many longer I can hold?

The sky is so high..

I cant even see the end

My life is so blind

I coudnt even find the way

I keep seaching the reason

To stay in this world as I meant to be

The night is so cold

And im laying on bed with no one to hold

my life is like a song

manipulated by the composer

there’s lines that I have to follow

I can only smile to satisfy them

I feel secured being with those I love

But how many longer can they stay with me

When will they step away from my life?

This question keeps threatening me

I can only march on

Im too afraid to lose till

I don’t have the courage to own

If I could be the wind

I will go to a place faraway

The place that only belongs to happiness

Im still me, nobody can change me

happiness is temporary but sufferings seemed permanent

I choose to live on, I would have to be strong

Playing in my minds repeatedly is my regrets

I accelerate the thought of sadness

Counting my wrongdoings, shameful

The people I hurt

I cannot forgive myself for end up like this

The sun shining upon me

Trying to convinced that the hopes are there for me

But the gravity holds me tight to ground

Didn’t let me escaped to fantasy anymore

Why was I agreed to live in this cruel world?

Now that I cant regret

If I die now..

I die as nothing but a loser

But still, slowly..

I scratched a razor in deep my arms

the hot red blood rushing down

Pains in the arm flows away the pain in my heart

Im a little bit tired of watching the red liquid filled my body

Im closing my eyes

The sad moments still playing in the atmosphere

Like a movie that has no end

The pain in both my body and soul is incresing

Tears suddenly run down my face

Will this sadness stop pressing me

I tried to open my eyes

But I cant

I can still feel the blood slowly coming from the wound

I feel numb

Suddenly I see the faces of those I love most

I can see myself smiling doing things I like

The smile that comes from the heart

I never thought I ever smile like that before

Now that I regret.. am I already too late?

Im walking alone in the dark

Through the path that filled with the things I ve done

Am I dying?

I cant hear my heartbeats anymore

I cant feel the warm of my blood

Im sitting alone in confused

When will I wake up from this dream?

Am I not going to wake up anymore?

Is my life ends at the edge of the razor?

Is me the one who decide whether to live or die?

Tears keep running in confused~

p/s: this one quite emo ayte?haha...i cant believe i wrote something like that~lol

Sept 25, 2007

Yea… I’m messed up!

I cant believe I am actually this weak…

Each and every time I thought I’m all matured, grown up, I can handle things and pressures…

In the end, I am helpless…

Whenever I think I am happy, stable and I feel great…

The bad things came up…

When I set my pledge not to disturb my friends with my stupid troubles, I end up bothering then…

I can’t managed to handle things on my own…

Until when? The last day of my life?
Why do I keep doing the mistakes?

Why do I keep ruining my life?

Why can’t I be more independent?

Damn it!

I hated it when it turned out this way…

I hated my entire undependable attitude…

I hated all…

I’m sick of it…

I’m tired…

I’m pathetic loser…

I’m down!

Why can’t I be such a normal human being who doesn’t need helps, whines or useless…

I’m way too far from being a human…

Crazy me, stupid me, insane me, vulnerable me and depressing me…

I thought I’m a grown up, an adult and it turned out hopeless!

What? Am I having some personality disorder or what?

I kept saying to myself… I surely can deal with this…I didn’t need help…I can do this on my own… after all, things never turned out the way I wanted it to be…

The thoughts were too much!

The more I expected the least I got…

The more I tried to run from difficulties, the more people I hurt…

Why can’t my life be any easier?

Damn it, again I am WHINING! Why can’t I stop doing that?

When I think I am ok, why can’t it be ok?

When I think I am happy, why can’t I keep being happy?

When I want to avoid troubles, why they kept coming after me?

Depressions? Low? Conflicts? Girls fight?

Hey, I am no longer a teenager to deal with those stuffs!


Why things always go wrong no matter how hard I try?

Owh, damn it… the more I write, the more I am down…

So to make it short…

I am totally messed up!

April 1, 2008

Dah tak laratla, sumpah aku memang x tahan lagi

Bape hari, bape minit or bape saat lagi pun aku xpasti

Aku betol2 berharap aku boleh hilang

Ye, terus hilang macam tu je

Rasa macam hati disiat-siat

Bila tengok orang-orang yang aku benci

Kebencian yang terlalu amat sampai aku pula yang seksa

Jadi aku ingin pergi

Jauh dari kehinaan ini

Kenapa perlu jalan hidup aku bersimpang dengan dorang

Kenapa mesti dalam takdir aku wujud kelibat dorang

Kenapa aku perlu terlibat dalam kekejian dorang

Kenapa aku sebagai aku yang muncul di antara dorang

Entah aku tak bisa untuk pergi

Bukanlah sebab pentingnya korang dalam hidupku

Bukan jua sebab kebencian aku yang memaku

Tapi sebab aku tak mungkin mampu berlari jauh

Yang pasti aku tidak mungkin menjadi korang

Walau sebenci gunung walau sesuka zarah, aku tak mungkin

Biarlah aku terus hilang dalam kekalutan ini

Biar aku terus menolak korang dari hidupku


Basically… nothing really much to jot down here..

Eyh..u know what.. one of my buddies said something about marriage..

That her bf kept asking her to marry him..

Gosh, am I the only one who feels that time flies REALLY fast!/

Well..i know clock never stops ticking but..isnt it too fast??

I feel like just yesterday we were

I know we’re already in adulthood..but..

Marriage??oh man..

I don’t even know how to make a perfect cup of tea yet !

Err..i don’t think I need to mention about my ‘skill’ in cooking..

But hey..actually im quite excited to hear about that..

Came to think about it..

I guess it’s actually cool, if you think about it positively..

Whatever it is, do what your heart says!

Ring the bell…!!Chayok2…

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ayUcHen cOmEback!! (not only Britney can do this!)

aha...nothing really la.. it just, i felt like i've stopped writing for quite a long time.. i do still write those stupid-emo quotes but didn't really have the time to post them all.. owh..when i was browsing.. i accidentally stopped at Pena's blog.. ntah post yg bile.. but the point is, her post really moved my heart.. obviously, it was all about ssp-thing (the only thing that could make me stop and think seriously and missing and wondering how's everyone doing!hehe) no, i mean..she was talking about how she missed ssp,sspians (me too) so..ahaha, yea2 this is not a great intro for a comeback ayte? i should do more like Britney!! You wanna piece of me?oh yeah, oh yeah...
owh, gotta go..
i have a dental appointment..

aYUchEn cOmebAck!!!!!!

poyo je.....

Exams Night Out